Friday, July 5, 2013

I Should Have Guessed

About a month ago I told my mother that I was either thinking about joining a dating websites, or had already joined. It was one or the other depending on when exactly I opened my big mouth. Anyway, I’m pretty sure that was seen as a green light by my mother for her to take action.

Yesterday, July 4th, I traveled with my 62 year-old father out into the country to meet with some of his old cronies for purposes of eccentric childishness with fireworks. I thought I was going along just to enjoy the proceedings and perhaps take part from time to time, but about halfway to our destination my father informed me that I would not be the only new face there, a younger guy would be there too, “younger” in the sense that he was under 50 years old. I did not think much of it until my father told me his name (Dan), his age (36), and what he does for a living (repairs and replaces overhead doors). When my father came out with all this specific information I then knew I had been set-up. It seems Dan works for the same company as one of my father’s friends.

I should have known there was more to the whole thing than just having me along as a visiting guest. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered why this bunch of guys would want some girl in the mix. I guess that thought just never quite made it to the front of my mind.

I think Dan was in on the scheme too but I’m not 100% sure. I’m basing my suspicion on the fact that he did not talk to me the way the other, older guys guys did. They kind of barked at each other the way guys do, and they barked at me too, which is what I expected. Dan, on the other hand, talked to me in a more normal, sociable tone of voice. He would actually step closer to me if he wanted to say something to me. And every time he went to the cooler for a beer or a soda he would ask me if I wanted anything. It felt just a hint, just a smidgen like a date. So yes, I think Dan was in on it too.

As for Dan himself, he was a friendly guy with a sense of humor that had me going a time or two. One firework “exhibit” had a Ken and Barbie doll sitting a toy car, blown to pieces by one of those orange plastic pill bottles that had been filled with some explosive powder. One second there was Ken and Barbie sitting in a little pink car, the next second came an ear-splitting boom, blasting the couple into bits, along with their car. Upon witnessing the demise of Ken and Barbie, Dan calmly muttered, “Now if that doesn’t make you feel patriotic, nothing will.” You probably had to be there, but the comment had me laughing to tears, which also says something about my slightly warped sense of humor.

On the way back home I lectured my father that contrary to popular belief, I actually am capable of handling my own social life. My father shrugged, grinned a bit, and nodded. I was annoyed, but since it was my parents, the annoyance had a trace of smile.           

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