I had this crazy dream last night. I was sitting in an open-air shelter, the kind of shelter that might be found in a public park. I was sitting at a picnic table. There across from me was Debbie Jacobs, a girl I last saw when I was 7 years old. In my dream she had become an adult. I'm not sure how my brain concocted her look. She was actually kind of a vague image but in my dream I knew who she was. She was smoking a cigarette. She asked me how I was doing and I said I was doing fine. Then she asked me if I had seen any of the other girls we once knew. She mentioned two or three of them by name. I told Debbie that I had moved out of that neighborhood before starting the 3rd grade and I did not know how anyone was doing any longer. Debbie nodded, took a puff on her cigarette, stood and walked away. I awoke shortly thereafter.
It's really weird that Debbie would be in my dream. I actually barely knew her even back when I was a little kid in school. And the girls she named I had all but forgotten, but somehow the Debbie in my dream knew the names and wondered what had become of them.
I think of myself as a reasonably bright person. I'm no genius, but I'm not an outright idiot either. Yet I have no clue how the sleeping brain can concoct some of its dreams. Apparently somewhere in my head's gray matter Debbie Jacobs resides. In fact, she has been able to mature, take up the smoking habit, and remained curious about our mutual, long-ago classmates. How can that be? Baffling and weird.
To completely change the tone of this blog entry (I actually
considered a second blog entry, but that would have required more effort than
simply writing this sentence), Dan called me earlier this evening, not long
after I got home from work. We had a fun conversation. At one point he asked me
how my dislocated toe was doing and I replied that I was almost free from any
limp, but I would still be unable to outrun a tiger. Dan expressed surprised
that I was ever able to outrun a
tiger. He is pretty funny.
Near the end of our conversation Dan disclosed rather
sheepishly that our rapturous weekend together had seemingly reawakened his
libido and that it has been going hyper ever since. “I just want you to know
what you have triggered,” I think was what he said in this timid, slightly
humorous but yet sincere manner.
I told him that the evening was young and if he wanted, he
could come over and together we could try to give him some relief. I might have also
mentioned to Dan that our Saturday together had not exactly thrown my sex drive
into hibernation. Anyway, there was a short pause for contemplation and then Dan
said that he appreciated my offer but that he was going to try to survive the
evening in his current condition. It is possible that he doesn’t want to come
off as being an encroachment on me at this stage of our relationship.
Anyhow, Dan is coming over on Thursday. I do not know what
is on the agenda but I was asked how good I was at mini golf. To be 100%
honest, following our Saturday/Sunday tryst, I was not completely sure he would want to continue with me. Let’s just say
that men can be men, and the possibility had passed through my mind that Dan
had gotten all he had wanted out of our romance. It was just a tiny inkling in
the back of my mind, but still, perhaps I should have had more faith, faith in
both Dan, and my sense of judgment.
At this early stage in the relationship, I'd think your offer for him to come over would be something he'd jump on (so to speak).