Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Life of Good Fortune

I don’t think about it all the time, but I never completely forget the fact that I have been extraordinarily lucky up to this point in my life. I was born in the United States. I was conceived by two great parents. I was given reasonable intelligence and a healthy body free of disfigurement. Heck, I’m not even unattractive, as humans go. That’s some amazing luck.

I do not take it for granted. I think it is often assumed that when someone has all the good fortune that I have had that they take it for granted. Well, I don’t. I am writing this nitwit blog entry just to make that clear. If I am able to look back on this writing fifty years from now, I want to be able to see that I appreciated where I am, what brought me here, and everything I have. All the feelings of satisfaction, happiness, amusement, elation, and affection that I have felt in my life are all a product of my good luck and if I were not an atheist, I would thank God for all of it.

I could have been born in Nigeria in 150 B.C., or Cambodia in the year 1710, or in Siberia in 1930. But I wasn’t. I was born in the U.S. of A. in 1985. Consequently I’ve had inoculations to keep me free of serious disease, a government that has kept me free of subjugation, and two parents who for most of my life kept me free of almost every evil and unsavory person I might have encountered.

I have wondered how many people with whom I would trade places. I’m speaking of people who, since the beginning of time, have once walked the earth. The number would be small, the percentage would be tiny. I’m guessing that it would be no more than one in a thousand. It boggles my mind. I do not take it for granted and I want that to be known.


  1. I think you're a prime regular platelet donor candidate.... it sounds like you'd be willing to devote the time! We always need more regulars.

  2. I suffer from a mild case of trypanophobia. I will not get flu shots. Of course I have had blood drawn, but only a vile's worth, and that creeps me out. I'm afraid if I ever actually gave blood or platelets, I would have to be rushed to the emergency room where they would see how pale I was (I'm pale enough normally), and decide to give me blood.

    1. Oh no! I've seen husbands and wives sit with their spouse through the whole platelet donation. So cute. I assume they're married.. it's always older people, I wish more young people would get involved.
