Thursday, September 26, 2013

Settle Down Katie

Some time yesterday evening while I was out looking at clothes, I realized that I was too wound-up about Friday, and my date with a nice-looking guy, Jack. I think words came through my head that went something like, “Katie, you are setting yourself up for a big letdown. Just settle down.”

I do stuff like that; get too keyed-up. What then transpires is that the guy, in this case Jack, turns out to be an ordinary flesh-and-blood man, and I am disappointed. There is no instant chemistry between us, and he does not charm me into a state of unbridled euphoria. Another words; everything is perfectly normal. I think part of the problem this time is that I am kind of on the rebound. It’s been less than a month since I broke up with a guy after a two month relationship that I really enjoyed, right up to the end. So anyway, I’ve been acting like I’m a 9th grade girl, an idiotic 9th grade girl, to be exact.

I am glad I had that talk with myself, this disciplinary lecture. I now feel a bit embarrassed, even contrite by my overly zealous attitude. By tomorrow night I will be feeling a normal balance of restrained enthusiasm and composure. I will act rationally and probably more importantly, see things rationally. Obviously it is not easy being a 27 year-old 9th grader.      


  1. There's nothing wrong with some youthful enthusiasm. If you get a chance to read this before you go out on Friday, have fun tonight. If you don't get the chance, then I hope you had a good time. By the way, I wrote to you several times through your profile page. I think it said Say Hi To Kate. You never responded. Sooooo, I was just wondering if you did not know about the feature or if there was a glitch, or you decided to ignore my messages. I would not blame you if you did. LOL

  2. Okay, I could not find on that profile page anything as far as incoming messages. In that Hangout area there is one message that I sent to a guy months ago, like in June. Sorry. If you can still find your messages and it's not too late, you can email them, it would be okay. Just in case you are wondering; I thought of that email address late one night... really late.
