Saturday, August 31, 2013

I Don't Know

Dan and I went out to dinner last night at a little Italian restaurant. He seemed unusually sullen but he listened to me talk about my piece of idiocy; that being the episode of mistaken identity I wrote about in a blog entry yesterday. Dan did not seem to think it was particularly funny. He barely gave it a smirk. After dinner we went over to my apartment and watched some football on TV. Dan did not say much, he just sort of sat there gazing at the TV. Sometime around 9 I asked Dan if he wanted me to pop some popcorn; my favorite TV-watching snack, but he told me he was not hungry.

Around 10:30 or so Dan said he was going to go back to his own apartment for the night. This came as quite a surprise since he has been staying over both Friday and Saturday nights for about the past month. He said he had to get up early to meet with some friends. He gave me a quick kiss and then went out the door. He did not stay over on Wednesday either, despite my offer. I believe it has been over a week since we made love. I have aggressively tried to get him into bed on two occasions since, but I was rebuffed both times with what sounded like spur of the moment excuses.  

Over the last three or four days Dan has seemed very distant. He has seemed apathetic in our conversations. I have asked him if something is going on at work, and he has said that everything there is okay. In fact, he has said that everything in general is okay. But I can tell that there’s something that is not quite right. Anyway, like I’ve said; I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s just a phase. People do go through phases.     


  1. Hmm .. I don't understand anyone that can turn down freshly popped corn.

  2. I am really reluctant to say anything since I do not know what I am talking about, but it sound just a little like depression. I have a friend that goes through spells of depression and what you describe sounds a lot like it. But I am just a cement mason and not close to being a psychiatrist, so don't put much in what I say.

  3. To be even minor depression he'll need symptoms for at least 2 weeks... so see where he's at in a few weeks. It could just be avoidance because he wants to take some time apart... I'm sure you'll find out soon enough when he talks about it.
