Saturday, October 5, 2013


Justin, an employee at my fitness center, knows nothing of this blog, so I will be candid concerning our meeting yesterday evening after work for a drink. I will also write this hastily since I am going out to do some hiking and am due to meet a friend at 11 this morning.

Justin was a bit too high-strung for my tastes. He is not a bad person, just a little too stressed for my liking. He is very into, and very serious about physical fitness. I guess that is a good thing since he is a personal trainer, but I'm not that serious about anything, at least not at the moment, so I was a little bothered by his demeanor.

He has a real desire to have career success too. He talked about how he could make some good money if he starts his own fitness studio. In fact, I think he may have said "when he starts his own fitness studio". Anyway, I got the impression that the money was a big factor, and maybe even the biggest factor in his thinking. To be honest, I find a near-frantic desire of money to be a turn-off. It is one of the oddball things about me.

When we said goodbye, Justin asked if he could call me again. The only reason I said "yes" is that I thought it would be easier on me to say "no" over the phone rather than right there in a public place. Okay, I can be a coward.

Last night it was Justin. Tonight I'll be seeing Jack. But right now I am being beckoned by the great outdoors.          


  1. He didn't even ask for your phone number... right? That's pretty telling, stalker vibes...

    Where did you go hiking? I did Franconia Ridge (little haystack, lincoln, lafayette) last weekend, it was amazing!

  2. He knew my number from the fitness center records. He may not have been my cup of tea, but I don't think he is a stalker. I sure hope he isn't a stalker. We went to Stoney Brook Wildlife Sanctuary. And I know this is painfully boring, but I saw a hummingbird on some flowers of a pineapple sage. A hummingbird in October?
