Monday, November 11, 2013

If I Had Just One Month To Live

This goofy blog is called Katie’s Thoughts On Stuff. I might as well throw in a blog entry that has some weird thoughts that have gone through my head recently.

The other day I wondered what I would do if I were told that I had a month to live. Throughout the entire month I would be in perfect health, that is; until I suddenly dropped to the ground, dead.

It might be as interesting as the actual question just figuring out why I came up with this morose hypothetical situation. I don’t know where the notion came from. It might have come from the scare I got when I had my vertigo episode in the middle of the night a few months ago. That might have planted the seeds to such thoughts. A few days ago I found a freshly dead rabbit just off a wood lot trail. Maybe that had something to do with it.

Anyway, to the actual question: if I knew I was going to die and I had one month to live. One thing I know for sure; I would start eating strictly for pleasure. I would consume large quantities of sweet, fatty foods. I would gobble down pizzas, ice cream, and huge slices of my favorite flavor of cake; chocolate. Yes, I would eat as if there was no tomorrow simply because, well, there essentially would be no tomorrow.

I would drive a lot faster. I would drive faster because I would want to get from one place to another as quickly as possible, and also, for the thrill of the speed. I might take up something like skydiving or scuba diving. I would not bother with the required lessons and various instructions. Training would take too much valuable time and besides, if I were to make a fatal mistake, the loss would be minimal.

Oddly, I do not know if I would add a significant amount of sexual activity into my schedule. I have said many times in this idiotic blog that I do enjoy sensuous endeavors, but I’m not sure I would want to use the approximately 30 minutes needed to achieve satisfaction. After all, I have only a month to live. But I would definitely want some sexual exercise.

On a slightly more serious note; if I had but a month to live, I would probably be frightened of the impending death, the dark mystery of it all. However, as a sincere atheist, I would not use any time praying. There would be no need for a priest or minister. I really am an atheist.

Fortunately the whole scenario is just hypothetical. In reality, I would be disappointed if I did not live another 50 years and make it into my late 70s. I have no strategy in place, but to be honest, I have every intention of going beyond 100. I intend on seeing my own birthday cake glowing with a century’s worth of candles. And oh yes, I’ll want that cake to be chocolate.        


  1. Katie,

    Every few weeks I log on to check out your blog. I've probably been reading for 6-7 months. It's like a soap opera to me. I'm a huge Marty fan, by the way, guy seems like a solid dude :)

    Hope life is good!

    - Mike

  2. The one month to live immediately had me thinking of the new film Dallas Buyer's Club - but in that movie he had AIDS. It was an incredible film. Highly recommend.

    I like your scenario better.. perfect health > AIDS, any day.
