Monday, December 16, 2013

Now I Know Better

I have been going to a different fitness center. I changed memberships about a week ago. It did not occur to me at the time, but when I changed fitness centers I also changed workout equipment. You might think changing equipment would be insignificant since I am still primarily using exercise bicycles and ellipticals. I would have thought it pretty insignificant too. Now I know better.

A few days ago, my first day at this new fitness center, I did a little uphill walking on a treadmill, and then about a half hour on a recumbent bicycle. The recumbent bicycle felt a little different than the recumbent bicycle at my old fitness center. I noticed that the two bicycles had different brand names. But I got used to the new one in a few minutes.

Late yesterday afternoon I visited the fitness center and decided to use an elliptical. Unlike the ellipticals from my old fitness center, these ellipticals have arm exercisers. The machine mimicks cross country skiing as opposed to my old fitness center’s machines which mimicked running with heavy shoes. I was on the elliptical for about a half hour. The end result; today my arms are in misery. Both of my forearms are sore, and my upper arms are killing me.

I had a feeling I was in trouble last night when my arms felt unusually achy, but I had no idea what was in store for me this morning. When I first got out of bed I could barely lift my robe because my right arm hurt so much. I decided to save myself some pain and not bother putting my arms through the sleeves and just wear it over my shoulders. When I could barely lift a spoon full of cereal to my mouth, I knew I was going to call off work. I suppose it was only fair that bringing the phone up to my ear was pure agony. 

It is now about ten hours later and things seem a little better… a little better, and that’s largely due to 400 mg of ibuprofen. I am still unwilling to fix my hair, but I am now able to slide my arms into a blouse without it feeling like a near-death experience. I am currently resting my arms on the edge of a desk as I write this blog entry. It is only mildly uncomfortable. And to think; all this because I'm trying to stay physically fit.         

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like the machine you used at your old gym was an arc trainer. Yeah... ellypticals do a little more :-)
