Monday, February 23, 2015

Ditziness Strikes

About twenty-four hours ago I wrote a blog entry about my interest in nature. One day later that interest kind of got the best of me and exposed some grade-A ditziness. I shall explain.

After work today a coworker, James, and I were walking across the parking to our respective cars. As we were approaching his car, I saw several deep scratches in the car's rear door. There were about three scratches each being about a foot long. I think the car is a Mercedes and it's about ten years old. James has always kept very good care of it. I think it is his pride and joy.

Anyway, when I saw the scratches I was shocked. I asked him how could he get such scratches. In a frustrated, annoyed voice, he told me a Bobcat had done it there in the parking lot. I was overwhelmed. I hurried over to his car to take a closer look at the scratches. As I examined the damage, I asked him how he knew the scratches were from a bobcat. He told me that there was a witness, someone had seen it. For a few more seconds I examined the scratches, I then made some comment about how the scratches were very deep and the bobcat must have been trying to get into the car. I then turned towards James and asked him if he ever keeps food in his car.

Well, James gave me this confused look but then nodded and stated that yes, he sometimes has some little snack in the car. I then theorized that the bobcat must have been desperate to get the food, this based on the notion that the scratches were very deep. I then said that bobcats are fairly uncommon but I had never heard of one trying to claw its way into a car.

For a few seconds James glared at me as if I were nuts. Finally he said, "Katie, the Bobcat was plowing snow in the parking lot and the driver just maneuvered too close to my car with its bucket. I haven't a clue what you're talking about."

It took a few seconds for me to put it all together, but when it did I simultaneously shook my head in mild self-irritation while at the same time giggling. "I was picturing a different kind of bobcat," I snickered. "Let's just leave it at that."  


  1. Hahaha, this made my day better. My head went straight to animal Bobcat first as well!

  2. Hahaha, this made my day better. My head went straight to animal Bobcat first as well!
