Tuesday, December 16, 2014

This Goofy Blog and My Parents

I've been thinking a lot of my parents lately. They are not getting any younger. Usually both are upbeat but now and then they talk about such things such as events form long ago, or assorted ailments, or friends who are no longer living.

Neither know of this blog. I sometimes fleetingly wonder what they would think if they read it, particularly reading the places where I discuss intimate stuff. Both of my parents know that I am no longer a virgin, and in fact both have known that for about ten years. A few days after my virginity disappeared, I stated as much to my mom in a thinly veiled, comment made to sound casual. I just wanted her to know. I can't remember exactly what I said, but it was clear enough; my mother knew. Once my mother knew, my father knew too, about six hours later. That's how my parents marriage operates.

Neither of my parents have ever made inquiries concerning my sex life. I think they actually trusted my judgement ten years ago, and I think they trust my judgement even more now. Still, I can almost picture both of them reading my goofy blog, and their respective reactions. I think my mother would cease reading as soon as I would mention a gentleman kissing me. I doubt she would read any of the subsequent paragraphs. She would just turn away and emphatically say to herself, "I've read enough. I don't want to read any more."

Somehow I think my dad would be more open-minded. I have always considered my mother to be the more academic of my two parents, but I consider my father to be the more open-minded when considering me and my personal life. He would probably read some of my provocative blog entries, smile just a little and mutter, "Katie wants to experience life, and that's okay."

I like my dad's attitude but in a lot of ways I would totally understand my mother's thinking. There is just a tiny bit of prude in her, and to her, I'm still her little girl. I don't mind.

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