Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Recharging With Terry

Well, come Friday I am going out for a drink with Terry, a guy I just met at my fitness center. I mentioned him in a previous blog entry. I am experiencing the standard stuff; excitement mixed with nervousness. I think I am a little less nervous than usual because Terry seems to have a sizable sense of humor. I think I need that from a guy at this point in my life. Still, he is not overbearing with it. His voice is not loud, nor does he continually chatter. I think another factor is that I now meditate daily at the behest of my therapist. Meditation takes a little practice, but I think it is helpful, if not a cure-all, for mild emotional disorders.

Terry is a little older. He is 38. That would not come as a surprise to anyone who has ever read this nitwit blog. I seem to gravitate to older guys. I met him at a fitness center, so of course he is relatively physically fit. That is not to say that he is going to enter a Mr. Universe contest (or whatever those bodybuilding contests are called). He has been married twice, which doesn't bother me much at all, for some reason. Besides, it's not like I've stayed with the same guy for the last ten years. And heck, it's just a first date.  

I'm glad I'm getting going again, socially, and emotionally. That's really the point of this blog entry and why I decided to write it; I'm returning to my life. It's not as if I'm totally recharged. It's more like I am in the recharging process and going out with Terry is a part of that. It's actually good to once again feel the excitement and yes, the nervousness too. They are part of life and that's what I plan to be doing; living.  


  1. Marty 2.0? What is it with you and older guys? Just curious...

    1. For some reason I find older men to be more attractive, all things being equal, such as weight, height, etc. And whether it is the kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom, older guys tend to be more thoughtful and unselfish. God help me, I have caught myself staring at a one or two of my father's friends, and they have to be over 50.
