Well, I have sort of rediscovered my goofball blog. So with that in mind, I might as well throw in yesterday's mild oddity.
To begin, for my entire life I have loved the fragrance of almost all men's cologne. When I was little, my father had a bottle of Old Spice. I think he got it as a gift because he rarely used it. The bottle stayed almost completely full for years and I never smelled it on him. Every once in a while I would pull off the plastic stopper and take a whiff. I really liked it.
The thing is; I hate smelling cologne on men and always have. I catch the scent of a cologne and I get this feeling that the man is trying to hide some underlying, unpleasant odor. Fortunately I am rarely exposed to men's cologne. It seems I'm most likely to be subjected to it in places like grocery store lines or for a few seconds in a crowded elevator.
Yesterday my boyfriend, Terry, came by with dinner, dinner being a carry-out order of two Italian sub sandwiches. Apparently he had a little time to kill when he reached the restaurant and he strolled next door to a pharmacy where he almost absent-mindedly sprayed a bit of cologne on his fingertips and after giving it a quick sniff, dabbed the remnants onto his neck. At least that's the story I was told.
Later, after we consumed the subs, Terry and I went on a little stroll around the block. When we returned to my place, one thing led to another and we became very close physically. It was then I got my first hit of an unnatural scent. I momentarily stopped the proceedings and asked Terry if he were wearing a cologne. At first he said no but then after a short pause for thought, he recalled that he had dabbed on a tiny bit of cologne earlier in the evening while waiting for the subs.
I smiled and muttered a slow, drawn-out "Ohhh grrreat."
Terry said that if it bothered me he could dash off and hurriedly wash his neck. Much to my shock, I told him that I actually kind of liked it. I'm not saying the trace of fragrance wildly helped the occasion, but it certainly did not seem to hurt it.
Upon reflection, I believe that the tiny amount used was a factor in my appreciation of the cologne. Also, I think the fact that I was enjoying the moment made me appreciate the scent of the moment. But what makes this really weird is that to the best of Terry's recollection, the cologne was British Sterling, which following a brief internet research, is poorly rated, low-priced stuff. I guess that kind of figures.
Poorly rated cologne at CVS? Ya don't say...