Saturday, June 14, 2014

Out On the Course

I had a relationship end not too long ago and I have been kind of down in the dumps lately. I think everyone who knows me can see it, my parents being no exception. I think it was last Sunday my father called me and asked me if I wanted to take a day off work and be his caddie as he and some of his buddies were going to go golfing. I figured; why not?

So off we went to the course, my father and me to meet up with his friends and play a round of golf. On the drive out, my dad gave me a few brief instructions. He told me that I probably should try to keep up with the group rather than go off bird watching, and that I should try to see where the golf balls land. Dad told me that he isn't much of a player and all he would try to do is hit the ball straight, and hopefully lose as few balls as possible.

It turned out that I was the only female in the group, and the only caddie -if that's what you want to call me. About 10:30 this group totaling about eight guys gather on the first hole to tee off. Plus there were a number of other golfers waiting their turn who were looking on, so there was a crowd of perhaps 25 onlookers.

The first two men hit the ball pretty good. Then came the third guy in our group to tee off, I think his name was Ed. He stood over the ball preparing to hit it and everyone fell silent. You could see the concentration in his eyes as he stared down at the ball. Finally he started the club into his back swing and took a might swat at the ball. He must have hit only the very tiptop of the golf ball because the ball just trickled off the little wooden tee and rolled forward no more than about two feet.

It was as though Ed had hit the ball a mile. Though the ball was still right at his feet, he humorously stayed in this follow-through position. Everyone stayed silent. Finally I felt compelled to state the obvious, "It's not hit far, but you hit it straight." Everyone cracked up laughing, including, and perhaps especially Ed.

My father just called me to tell me that my comment was one of the high points of the day, and the next time this group goes out golfing, I have an open invitation to come along.

So apparently I'm quite a caddie, and oh and by the way; I saw an indigo bunting.  

1 comment:

  1. Haha nice! Do I have your permission to use that joke next time I'm on the course?? (which is pretty rare!)
