Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Too Much Good Luck?

It's not 6:15 in the morning and I'm getting ready to go to work, but before I leave, something has been on my mind and I might as well write about it. Call it a "concern" if you like. 

I have had a couple of months of relatively clear sailing. Not one bad thing has come to pass. I wanted to go on a getaway trip and I thought I might have to quit my job to do it. Well, it turned out that I was given the time off with minimal complaint. What’s more; everything on the trip went well. No luggage was lost by the airline and the flights were on time.

I did not get a flu shot this year, nevertheless I have not been afflicted by so much as a sniffle all winter. I haven’t fallen down on ice or given myself a serious poke in the eye with a misguided hairbrush stroke. I have not misplaced the TV remote or my purse even for a moment. It has been a while since I have accidentally left a stovetop burner on and filled my apartment with smoke, setting off screeching alarms.

So yes, things have really gone well and that’s got me worried. If there is anything to the laws of probability, something bad is going to happen to me sometime soon. I doubt it will be anything as horrible as a lightning striking my head or a meteor crashing into my apartment. It’s more likely that it will be a minor traffic accident. I’ll probably slide my car into an icy intersection and bump someone’s fender, costing me a couple of hundred dollars beyond what the insurance will pay. Or it could be something weird, like I become a victim of identity theft.

Maybe the bad luck will be split into two relatively mild, unrelated incidents. That might be acceptable to me. How about one morning I step out to go to work and find myself staring at a flat tire, then a day or so later I wake up with a mild sore throat? I would be all caught-up as far as my good luck/bad luck ratio. I guess I’ll have to wait and see. The suspense is killing me… well, it’s not really killing me. That would be going way too far.       

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