Sunday, May 26, 2013

Humming Along

This is my first blog entry and to tell you the truth, I don't have a clue of what to write about. I'm thinking of making it sort of like a diary, but I don't know; maybe that's not such a good idea, posting personal stuff. On the other hand who would care? In fact, who would ever read it? After all, it's one silly little blog in a great big internet. I'll give it some thought. Maybe for my next blog entry I'll get more personal.

Okay, I know; I'm going to write about some really basic part of me and then expand on it with something that happened recently, something boring, I'm sorry to say.

I am an outdoor person... well, sort of. I like to go down a wooded trail and look around and see what's there around me, but I'm not much of a camper. I don't fish or hunt either. But I can identify most foliage, and almost all trees either by their leaves, or their bark. I know my birds too, pretty much. I know a bluebird from a bluejay. I know a scarlet tanager from a summer tanager. However I do not know my fish. You would think I would, given my proximity near the ocean, but no, I don't.

Anyway, I hung up a hummingbird feeder last week outside my apartment. I've never put up a bird feeder of any kind and it's kind of unusual to start with a hummingbird feeder rather than a traditional seed-filled feeder. So anyhow, I had the feeder up for about two hours when it got a visitor. It was a female ruby-throated hummingbird. She sipped on the feeder's juice now and then, and stayed within eyesight for about ten minutes before disappearing. I got so excited I called my mother who could not have cared less.

Now there's an opening blog entry that will leave readers spellbound and wanting more. Fortunately the only reader will be me, assuming I proofread, and I probably will.   

1 comment:

  1. Not just you. OkCupid guys also take the time. Not me, I'm not on internet dating.......
    Who am I kidding? Yes, I am.
    So, have you ever seen an Ivory Billed Woodpecker?
