Sunday, March 1, 2015

No Ordinary Patriots

I was at Terry's, my boyfriend, apartment yesterday evening. Since I carry nothing more than a cheap cellphone, I asked Terry if I could jump on his PC while he ran out to get our pizza. I had heard there was a snowy owl spotted in eastern Massachusetts and I wanted to get online to find out if it was true (it was). While I was on his computer, I saw a desktop folder that was labeled "Patriots". I clicked on the folder to find out what was inside. We live in New England so maybe he had some past New England Patriots listed. Well, what was inside this "Patriots" folder was probably something like 500 nude female photos and assorted short porn videos, porn videos if their names were any indication. One thing for sure; neither the photos nor the videos were of any Patriots I was familiar with. Of course I knew that I had uncovered Terry's porn stash.

My first reaction was surprise. I was not shocked, but I was surprised. It is possible that the source of my surprised came mostly by the fact that I had happened upon porn, and not that I had found specifically Terry's porn.  It is possible, after all, I was expecting to see football players such as Tedy Bruschi and Kevin Faulk in Patriot uniforms.

I do not live under a rock, at least I haven't lived under a rock in a long time. I know that as a rule, guys like porn. I've read where men more than women are "sight" oriented when it comes to sexual arousal. Philosophically speaking, this is not the fault of guys. It is the doing of mother nature. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is; I did not get angry. I was probably disappointed for a minute or two but that did not last long because after a moment of thought, I concluded that I had no reason to be disappointed. As I said, Terry is basically following his human instincts. And it isn't like I am completely immune to porn myself. The sight of a good-looking guy can raise my pulse a few beats, even if it's just a photo.

Anyway, I did not and will not mention to Terry that I found his digital porn inventory. Terry may find many girls sexually attractive, but there is only one that he attends to personally. And I won't ask for anything more. Terry will never learn that I know of the porn. Besides, I've kept some secrets from him too. One of them is the existence of this blog.  

1 comment:

  1. A folder on his Desktop? Hardly hidden, he had to know you'd stumble on it at some point if you're a frequent guest.
    You should bring it up, jokingly - it usually leads to interesting convos about things you both like that have not been discussed yet. I'm not sure if you like watching that stuff with you bf, but there's that, too!
