Saturday, February 8, 2014

Guys and Their Better Fantasies

Marty disclosed something to me yesterday that was very touching. We were drinking wine and watching the Winter Olympics opening ceremony on TV when Marty said that there was a time before we really got to know each other that he would daydream of playing the violin for me. I found this revelation interesting so I hit the MUTE button on the remote so he could continue without distraction.

Marty stated that he feels he is very ordinary and to become something a bit special, at least special in his imagination, he would daydream of inviting me to meet him someplace. In his daydream I would not know much about him and so I would see him as this slightly overweight, bald guy, in other words; completely uninteresting. And consequently I would be reluctant to meet him.

But eventually he would politely wear me down and I would succumb to a meeting. At this meeting place, some quiet, public place, he would calmly say something like, “I just wanted to do this for you.” He would then put a violin under his chin and play some mesmerizing music so beautiful that I would be totally disarmed. At the end of the piece Marty would lower his violin and say, “I know that you see me as an ordinary guy, but I thought if I could play for you I would not be quite so ordinary anymore.”

I was really kind of taken by this daydream of his, and also the fact that he disclosed it to me. Marty told me that some guys daydream of rescuing the lady from villains or some other peril, other guys will daydream of winning the girl with some athletic feat, but for him, he would daydream of playing a beautiful violin piece.

I have since wondered if he is right; do a lot of guys have these kinds of daydreams? I know that some guys have these types of fantasies, but is the number really all that high?

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